Visuals aside, the gameplay is focused on conflict between the main
character and creatures from the games world. The player, in game is
simply named the Kid, uses two different weapons and has a single special
move usually specific to one of the weapons the player is using. Each weapon
has different effects and feels different to be used. To the developer
this was a point of pride. Everything about the game has a specific purpose.
The developer saw no point in adding extra weapons if they were no different
from the rest of the arsenal. Throughout the course of the game, each weapon
is introduced in a situation in which it has the most effectiveness. For
example, the game introduces the shield right before a series of turrets appear.
The fire from the turret can be reflected with the shield but as the game progress
the shield can be used to reflect any type of enemy projectile. Some weapons are
good for fast hits at a close range while others have long range effects with
a slow rate of fire. Adding even more strategy is the ability to use any of the
weapons in any combination. As the game continues enemies become harder to defeat
but with more weapons, the player is given more and more strategies to defeat
the enemies. To further the players effectiveness with each weapon, the developers
create an entire area just to further the players expertise with that specific
weapon. Each of the weapon areas are timed so that the player wants to replay
these areas over and over until the best time is achieved. With that creation,
practice became something each player wants to do. With all of the systems
around weapons every encounter becomes an strategic affair.
Bastion Blog 3