
The artistic style and strategic combat creates a fun and visually appealing game but Bastions greatest innovation is a reactive real time narrator. As the player acts the narrator recounts the current events. When described the system sounds like it could be annoying but Supergiant games handles it perfectly. The voice actor for the narrator is perfect in every scene. He portrays the narrator as a gruff yet soothing character so that for the eight to ten hours, a person plays, the narrator is always fun to hear. In some ways the narrator makes the game. His humor delivered in such a deadpan makes normal events much more interesting. For example, if the player were to accidentally fall of a ledge, the narrator simple states, “And the Kid fell to his death.” the player re-spawns, “Just kidding.” But because of the games design, if the player were to fall of the edge again, the narrator would either say something different or nothing at all. According to the developers, they recorded over 3000 lines of dialogue for the narrator. So even in one play through, the player will only hear about half of what the narrator as to say. In some ways, the main character is not the Kid, but instead the narrator and his tale to fix the world around him.
Bastion Blog 5