What makes this series original is its take on the user experience. A central tenant of the
experience is that a players avatar reflects the decisions they have made thus far in the game. In
most events within the game players have the choice between a morally "good" or morally "evil"
choice. These choices impact the overall way a player develops. Eating good food slims out a
character and its inverse eating fatty foods makes the player fatter. This allows for different
players to have different looking characters. It gives individual players ownership over their
characters that they have created with all of their invested time. Over all three iterations of
the series more complex systems have been incorporated into each game. One major addition was the
ability to buy and sell property. In the context of becoming the king of the land, it made sense.
The player could purchase any house, shop or building for a price. In return, the owned properties
would become a source of income which in return funded the players adventures. The third game took
all the present systems and built upon them even further. Each player now had the opportunity to buy
everything in the land and become king with the whole lands support, but the game didn't end there.
The story continues even after the player becomes king in order to see the results of their actions
in a long term context. A more important contribution to the game was the removal of all menu's of
the tradition sense. Because of this the player is never fully removed from the game. An in game map
appeared, instead of a flat map, became a three dimensional characterization of the actual world.
Each section of the map was broken into pieces that each could be further examined in closer detail.
Instead of choosing an equip able weapon from a list, players now entered armory in watched as they
approached a weapon and saw how it looked equipped in real time. Most of these changes to the game
were in an attempt to make the game leave the genre of a "RPG" and become more accessible for a
wider audience.
Fable 3