Jordan Guy's Index


Story 5

At the moment story 5 is still in a rough stage. The next tab will show all of the dialogue but with out its format. The other tab will lead to the story in its correct format, but that format still needs some work. I am looking for a way to create an segment of java script which allows for on-click changing of divs, but it needs to move forward through a list of number divs in order but at the current moment, I am unsure how to create such a script.

Story 5

At the moment story 5 is still in a rough stage. The next tab will show all of the dialogue but with out its format. The other tab will lead to the story in its correct format, but that format still needs some work. I am looking for a way to create an segment of java script which allows for on-click changing of divs, but it needs to move forward through a list of number divs in order but at the current moment, I am unsure how to create such a script.

Story 5

"So..." B "So, what's up?" R "Where are we going?" B "North?" R "Wait, so like where up North?" B "Well North." R "What did that guy say?" B "Something about North and changing two roads." R "Ok so lets do that." R "What are we going to do?" B "Drive." R "I know that part. What do humans do on rides?" B " For the most part, they talk and listen to radios." R "What's a radio?" B "Well as I've seen its a device that plays recordings of human bands. They have been around for awhile." R "So we just turn it on and music comes out?" B "Yep." R "Ok." B "So are you going to turn it on?" R "What?" B "The radio!" R "Oh yeah!" B "It's right there." R "Okay, how do I do it?" B "Wow, you really have no clue. Ok, right here is the power and right here you can tune the channel. " R "Channels?" B "Yeah, like different music channels. Different music plays on different stations." R "Oh, I think I understand. So some channels play happy animals, I mean humans, and others play sad animals. Ok, its on." B "I'm glad you could figure that out." R "These people are really angry." B "It's called metal." R "Wait, I thought metal is what you make things out of? What do you mean?" B "Hmm, that's just what its called. I guess it has to do with how angry everyone is. Like they are angry and thats hard like metal?" R "That makes no sense." B "I know. Humans never do." R "Hey, did you see that?" R "What? The tree? It was just so tall!" B "No, the man in that car. In the blue car." R "Oh him, what about him?" B "Have you ever seen such a fat human?" R "Wait what? That's a human? I thought it was a hippo." B "What's going to happen?" B "What do you mean?" R "What's going to happen when we make it to her?" B "To who? The golden goddess? R "Yeah, her. Who else?" B "Good point." R "So?" B "I'm not sure. I hope she can help me and I hope you find what you are looking for." R "Me too. But what if it doesn't? What happens if she isn't there?" B "I don't know." R "So?" B "I don't have anything else." R "What do you mean?" B "I've been alive for hundreds of years. Nothing really means anything to me." R "But what about your life?" B " I don't want it any more." R

Story 5 Link

Below is the link to view the story. Click here

Example Run through

Why I like games

I like games. I like experiencing stories that can take me away from my own life into another world. This stems from my love of reading books as a child. Those books brought me into a linear adventure that allowed me to see through the eyes of someone else. I cheshered those pages more than anything in the world. On my tenth birthday my parents bought for me my first game system and my first console games. With those first games, my love was born. I was a purple dragon running amounst a mythical world collecting as many gems as I could find. Sypro was my first adventure amounst a three demensional game that allowed for me to write my own adventure. As time went on my tastes began to change. I soon feel in love with Japenese style role playing games. Their cartoony visuals reminded my of my passion for art while their entense story book feel brought me into an amazing adventure. For the most part, these games were extally what I wanted in my life at that moment. Games became my medium of chioce. Tv shows and moives became boring, there was no interaction. Music was inmersive but lacked a visual component. I still chesired books but they offered me a taste of another world and as soon I as began to enjoy it, the book was over. But video games were different. The offered an entire world to explore and gave me hours to play with in it. Nothing came close to that experience and for that I want to make games. I want to create worlds for people just like me to experience. I want to make games that act as a gateway for the imagnation.

Video Game Blog Entries

Through a series of blog entires I will discuss several interesting aspects of
video game's I am playing today. I play games for fun but I also like to look
at game from a critcal stand point. Most games are fun to play but I like to
about what makes a specific game special. I like to play a varitey of different
games that can range from complew role playing games to intense first person
shooters and everything in between. I like cutting zombies in half just as
much as getting three head shots in a row.

I hope each entry gives insight as to why each game I play is memorable or
in some cases, not.

Fable 1 - 6 Bastion 1 - 5 Batman 1

Work in Progress

This is a page that is still in progress.
This page will be completed soon.

Jordan Guy's Home Page

This is the home page to my site.
Use the links on the side to navigate through the different pages.

The First Assignment

NMD 203
Ch1 Lock Exercise #3
Ch2 Lock Exercise #3

Ch 1
-My lead is a young female teenager lost in the woods, with no idea how she got there.
-Her objective is to leave the woods and make it back to her house before night falls.
-She is confronted by a stray wolf who opposes her not because he is evil but because he is hungry.
-The ending will be a knockout when the lead nearly is attacked by the wolf and makes it out of the woods.

Ch 2
In the plot above the lead character is thrust threw the first door in the begging of the story.
She is not in a safe place and must adapt to this new environment.
There could be glimpses back before the first door but as the story opens the character is already
threw the door. The second door will be passed through as the lead sees the exit of the woods
and the wolf comes near. Once the lead starts to run for the exit,
the final conflict between the wolf and the lead will occur.
When that conflict ends, the story will begin to end.

Five Story Ideas
Home Work

Ch. 9
Exercise 2

Character Bio

Character Bio

Story 1 First Draft

This a box with words in it
With some more words
This is where all my info would go.
Like this block would display all my info about the story.

Story 1 Second Draft

My first story can be more than one story.
And because of the way the story plays out
it can't be read in one siting. So on the
next tab one run through the story is
shown but to read the story in its entirity
go to the last tab.

Story Two Idea

Jordan Guy
NMD 203
Story 2 Idea

From the original story of Godfather Death, a child has Death as a god father and
because of that death gives him a gift. For the rest of his life, the child can heal anyone
who death says still has life with in them. For my story I am considering taking this story
into the modern day and age with modern medicine and within a modern day hospital. But of
instead of ending the story when the child tries to trick death, what if the main character
tries to stop death from taking more people during a plague out break? What if he challenges
death for the lives of everyone in his hospital? What if the main character and death are locked
in a struggle but not because one is evil and the other is not, but because of how fate and life
exists within our world. Im not sure how the story would end but as of right now, have the main
character give up his life for his patients seems too ordinary.

Story Two
Rough Draft

Story Two
Rough Draft