Journal Feb 11

Environmental Portrait: Active portraits almost always are best, but sometimes a posed portrait in a relevant setting is the most appropriate solution. Posing people can be okay as long as a certain amount of context is included in the scene from the subjects life. For environmental portraiture do not use students or people on campus. Use people from the towns and stuff like that.

Setting – Does the place say something significant about this person and his or her activities?  Uniform- Does your subject wear distinctive clothes that add meaning to her avocation and ; or personality?
Artifacts – Does your subject work with special  tools or objects that can add meaning to the picture?
Atmosphere – Does the quality of light contribute important information or mood?
Expression and body Language- Is the subject acting natural and engaged in meaningful activity? Make sure the subject stands out.
Add light or exploit light that already there. Because you can exercise complete control on this exercise, there should be no flaws in composition or technique. Finding interesting attributes about the subject makes the photo better. Context is very important for good photos. Long exposure times can create interesting effects. Using lighting provides interesting effects. Use more in detail captions to well explain the photo. Kip got to have one of his photos in the class!!! And Adam got two photos in!!!

Journey to Machias:
Lots of photos taken in Roque Bluffs state park. Photos from bad little falls. Tripods really help when taking photos of very dark photos with high iso’s.

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