Within the context of this reading, Cyborgs become useful for exploring identity because they have no real place in society that limits there role. Cyborgs can be anyone and anything. The cyborg identity has no structure or is part of any other group of society other than its own. This allows for the comparison between us and what actual makes us human.
One major cyborg almost everyone should know, is Darth Vader. In some ways Star Wars made him the most famous Cyborg of them all. Most of his body was destroy upon his journey to the dark side. Not much of his
body was left, so in comparison not much of his humanity was left. His power was almost to strong to handle with his human body. Two other famous cyborgs are Robo Cop and the Terminator.
When Haraway states that “The production of a universal, totalizing theory is a major mistake”, she means that every one would have the same thoughts and the same minds. This would be the end of culture as we know it. With no one thinking new thoughts how would anything new exist? We would be at a stand still. Our humanity would be gone, we would be no better than machines. We need to retain the ability for free thought because with that we would be lost.
The cyborg would almost erase all other differences of humans. If everyone were to become a cyborg, wouldn’t we all be the same? Any other differences we have would just be the result of having different parts. We could no longer fight over tiny details while our main being was the same. In a way this is like code art “perversion” because it is a different version of a machine integration art. This brings in more human components and applies technology.
Something liberating about the idea of human/machine symbiosis is the potential it would have for our society. If we all shared the same traits and the same technology how would that change the world we know now? What would be different? What other areas of technology would jump forward as a result of our new being? Something dangerous is the idea that we would be completely dependent on machines. What if those machines stop working? What would happen to us?
I don’t really consider my self to be a cyborg. I do use technology and I do depend on it for my trade but I understand what it is and I know I can live with out it. I use machines and computers daily but they are not a necessary part of my life. I do have to admit though, technology brings me so much pleasure. It entertains me, it evolves me like no other medium can.