This is the most important part of the program. Everything that happens in the game needs the variables created upon this section of the code. For those not familiar with a love program, the function love.load() is only ever called once. This allows for the creation of every variable needed. Also a lot of computation can occur during this function so that the actual game runs faster. I personally added a lot of code to this section so that the actual game functions faster. I’m not sure if I needed to create all these variables here but it helps me keep track of every variable I am using. The largest and most important part o this code is the creation of the map the game occurs, the creation of each individual enemies and finally the creation of the towers. When a later version of the game is complete all that information will come in from another section of the program. So its a lot to take in but I think the code below gives a valuable insight to how this game works. Also I would like to apologize for the format of the code, all my indention disappeared.
function love.load()
dif = 1 — amount of mountains
size = 32
–whx =
whx = 600
wwy = 800
–wwy =
wx = whx/ 16
wy = wwy/ 16
–set camera
camera:setBounds(0, 0, wwy, whx)
— creating tile array
tile = {}
tile16 = {}
tile32 = {}
if size >= 16 and size <= 64 then
for i =0, 14 do
tile[i] = ..”tile”..size..”.png”)
for i = 0, 14 do
tile16[i] =”tile16.png”)
for i = 0, 14 do
tile32[i] =”tile32.png”)
–standard map grid
map = {
{ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 },
{ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 },
{ 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1 },
{ 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1 },
{ 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 },
{ 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 },
{ 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 },
{ 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 },
{ 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 },
{ 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1 },
{ 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 },
{ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 },
{ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }
— creating standard random map
for i = 1, (wx + 1) do
map[i] = {}
for l = 1, wy do
int = math.random(0, 10)
if i == 1 then
map[i][l] = 1
elseif wx <= i then
map[i][l] = 4
elseif l == wy then
map[i][l] = 1
elseif l == 1 then
map[i][l] = 4
elseif int >= dif then
map[i][l] = 0
map[i][l] = 1
–end standard random map
–create image map
map1 = {}
for i = 1, (wx + 1) do
map1[i] = {}
for l = 1, wy do
map1[i][l] = map[i][l]
–end second array map
ilz = 0 –RV location
–begin speical map
— 5 is dirt
— 6 is light water
–second array special colors
for i = 1, (wx +1) do
for l = 1, wy do
int = math.random(0, 7)
— draw dirt
if i ~= 1 then
if map1[i][l] == 1 and l ~= wy then –make dirt
if map1[i][l + 1] ~= 1 then
map1[i][l + 1] = 5
if map1[i][l – 1] ~= 1 and (l-1) > 3 then
map1[i][l – 1] = 5
if map1[i][l] == 1 and l ~= wy then
if i <= (wx – 1) and map1[i + 1][l] ~= 1 then
map1[i + 1][l] = 5
if i > 2 and map1[i – 1][l] ~= 1 then
map1[i – 1][l] = 5
–draw light water
if map1[i][l] == 4 then
if l == 1 and i <= wx then
if map1[i][l + 1] == 1 then
map1[i][l + 1] = 6
map[i][l + 1] = 0
map1[i][l + 1] = 6
elseif i > wx and l ~= 1 then
if map1[i – 1][l] == 1 then
map1[i – 1][l] = 1
map1[i – 1][l] = 6
if int >= 2 and l == 1 then
if map1[i][l + 2] == 1 then
map1[i][l + 2] = 6
map[i][l + 2] = 0
map1[i][l + 2] = 6
elseif int >= 3 and i >= wx then
if map1[i – 2][l] == 1 then
map1[i – 2][l] = 1
map1[i – 2][l] = 6
–end speical map
–player varibles and enemy
zxp = 0 –player x postion
zyp = 0 –player y postion
exp = 0 — enemy x postion
eyp = 0 — enemy y postion
— add the player and hole
map[13][14] = 2
map1[16][wy – 1] = 8 — test hole
map1[17][wy – 1] = 8 — test hole
map[16][wy – 1] = 0 — test hole
map[17][wy – 1] = 0 — test hol
ilz = 16
number = 0
–tower array thing
tArr = {}
towerInt = 6
toff = 0
for i = 1, towerInt do
tArr[i] = {}
— differnt aspects of a tower
— 1 tile image number
— 2 attack
— 3 range of attack
— 4 speed of attack
— x and y are 5 and 6
— 7,8 will be chaning x and y stuff
— 9 will be if moving
— 10 will be if attacking
— 11 and 12 will be spots on menu
— 13 will be individual counter for time
— 14 will be type of attack
— if 14 is 1 then all around attack
— if 14 is 2 then single attack
— 15 will be amount of attacks or type of attacks
— 16 will be the amount of resources required
— 17 will be the thing benth its placement
— 18 will be the health of destroy able
— 19, 20 will be there
for l = 1, 20 do
tArr[i][l] = 0
if l == 4 then
tArr[i][l] = 35
elseif l == 5 or l == 11 then
–standard is 880
tArr[i][l] = 820
elseif l == 6 or l == 12 then
tArr[i][l] = 60 + toff
elseif l == 9 then
tArr[i][l] = false
elseif l == 10 then
tArr[i][l] = false
elseif l == 16 then
tArr[i][l] = 40
elseif l == 17 then
–having issue with this placement
tArr[i][l] = 100
elseif l == 18 then
tArr[i][l] = -1
toff = toff + 40
tArr[1][1] = 7 –yellow tower
tArr[1][2] = 15 –attack power
tArr[1][3] = 1 –range of attack
tArr[1][14] = 1 –attack all around
–tArr[1][15] = 1 –how long it
–tArr[1][4] = 35
tArr[2][1] = 9 –purple tower
tArr[2][2] = 5 –attack power
tArr[2][3] = 3 –range of attack
tArr[2][4] = 25 –speed of attakc
tArr[2][14] = 2 –can only attack once
tArr[2][16] = 35 –R amout balnce it
tArr[3][1] = 12 — new barrier
tArr[3][2] = 0
tArr[3][3] = 0
tArr[3][16] = 100 –R amount
tArr[3][18] = 100 –health of the tower
tArr[4][1] = 10 –trap hole
tArr[4][2] = 100
tArr[4][3] = 0
tArr[4][14] = 1
tArr[4][16] = 75 — amount of resourses balnce
tArr[4][18] = 100 — health of tower goes down
tArr[5][1] = 11
tArr[5][2] = 100
tArr[5][3] = 10
tArr[5][14] = 1
tArr[5][15] = 1 –dies in one turn
tArr[5][16] = 250 –amount of resoures need mess with
tArr[6][1] = 14 –this will be destroy stuff
tArr[6][2] = 0
tArr[6][3] = 0
tArr[6][15] = 1
tArr[6][16] = 0
barAr = {} –this will be the array of barriers
–end tower array
inPAr = {}
for z = 1, 35 do
inPAr[z] = false
WeCost = {
{500, 200, 0},
{250, 300, 0},
{50, 200, 0},
{10, 150, 0}
–player array of info
— add arrays for mutiple eneimes
player = {
100, –health of player
{“chain saw”, “baseball bat”, “stick”}, –names of wepons
{50, 20, 5}, –close range attack
{1, 1, 2}, — close range ranges
{“sniper rifle”,”shotgun”, “pistole”}, –names of long rane
{200, 50, 5}, — long range attack
{6, 3, 4}, –range of long attacks
3, –equip axe
3 –equip gun
–inital enemy creation
— cant go over 35 something else wrong
place = false
enNum = 35 — create how many enemies
for i = 1, enNum do
place = false
while place == false do
int = math.random(1, 35)
–int = 34
if inPAr[int] == false then
map[int + 1][3] = 3
inPAr[int] = true
place = true
en = {}
for i = 1, enNum do
en[i] = {}
for l = 1, 11 do
en[i][l] = 0
if l == 3 then
en[i][l] = 100
elseif l == 5 then
en[i][l] = “r”
elseif l == 6 then
en[i][l] = math.random(25, 35) –mess with
elseif l ==7 then
–play with this
targ = math.random(0, 10)
if targ <= 8 then
en[i][l] = 8
en[i][l] = 2
elseif l == 9 then
en[i][l] = {}
for w =1, 2 do
en[i][l][w] = 0
elseif l == 10 then
en[i][l] = false
elseif l == 11 then
–en[i][l] = math.random(5, 10)–maybe too strong
if en[i][7] == 2 then
en[i][l] = math.random(4, 8)
en[i][l] = math.random(1, 5)
–one is x cord
–two is y cord
–three is health
— four is Not in right dir
— five is dir
— six is speed
— seven should be the target of the enemy
— 8 will be the timer for each
— 9 will be array cords of the goal
— 9 1 is the x distance
— 9 2 is the y distance
–10 will be if met goal bol
–11 will be how much their attack is
–enemy index varible
enInV = 1
for i = 1, #map do
for l = 1, #map[i] do
if map[i][l] == 2 then
zxp = l
zyp = i
if map[i][l] == 3 then
exp = l
eyp = i
— add enemys postions to array
en[enInV][1] = eyp
en[enInV][2] = exp
if enInV >= 35 then
enInV = 1
enInV = enInV + 1
— end enemy creation
— enable held keys
love.keyboard.setKeyRepeat(10, 200)
xs = 0 –map creation
ys = 0 –map creation
–es = 1 — enemy index
temp2 = 0 — storing temp numbs
Ndir = 0 — not direction enemy counter
counter = 0 — counter for color placements
time = 0 — enemy time
time2 = 0 — tower time
Resources = 2000
zoom = false
pause = true — start true
FirstPause = true
space = false
MousePressed = false –if mouse is pressed
shortA = false — if short attack is true
longA = false — if long attack is true
mousEE = false — if the mouse is on an enemy
InMenu = false — in the menu
InYellow = false — in the tower
InPurple = false — in the second tower
towerAttack = false — same as bellow
towerA = 0 — if towers are attacking
tAmount = 0 –Keep track of the amount of towers
RvHealth = 1000 — rv health and stuff
RvAttack = false –if ens attacking lower rv health
FastF = false — fast forwarding enemys and towers
fastS = 35 — enemy speed and such
enCounter = 0
NewGame = false –if new game needed
EquipM = false –equip menu pause this
TowerM = false
text = 0
–spacePr = false
oldTower = 100
— u1, r1, l1, d1
m1 = 100
u1 = 100
r1 = 100
l1 = 100
d1 = 100
lowest12 = 100
small = false –need to keep
singleAt = false
–temp10 = 100
ofsetX = 0 — ofset for mouse x
ofsetY = 0 — ofset for mouse y
CMI = 100 — Current Mouse map index
CX = 100
CY = 100
Mx = 0
My = 0
–do first path finding
for w = 1, enNum do