Weapon Menu May 3

This is a more complex screen for the user to buy and equip weapons for fighting within the game. Each weapon has an amount uses and costs a certain amount of resources when bought. The menu also reflects which weapon is currently equipped. If a player still has uses left in a weapon, they can change what is equipped and then come back to the other weapon later. As the game progresses more weapons will be added based on the current players status. Also when the item creation system comes into, these spots will be replaced with player made weapons.


Code Example 1 Love.Load

This is the most important part of the program. Everything that happens in the game needs the variables created upon this section of the code. For those not familiar with a love program, the function love.load() is only ever called once. This allows for the creation of every variable needed. Also a lot of computation can occur during this function so that the actual game runs faster. I personally added a lot of code to this section so that the actual game functions faster. I’m not sure if I needed to create all these variables here but it helps me keep track of every variable I am using. The largest and most important part o this code is the creation of the map the game occurs, the creation of each individual enemies and finally the creation of the towers. When a later version of the game is complete all that information will come in from another section of the program. So its a lot to take in but I think the code below gives a valuable insight to how this game works. Also I would like to apologize for the format of the code, all my indention disappeared.


function love.load()
dif = 1 — amount of mountains
size = 32
–whx = love.graphics.getHeight()
whx = 600
wwy = 800
–wwy = love.graphics.getWidth()
wx = whx/ 16
wy = wwy/ 16

–set camera
camera:setBounds(0, 0, wwy, whx)

— creating tile array
tile = {}
tile16 = {}
tile32 = {}
if size >= 16 and size <= 64 then
for i =0, 14 do
tile[i] = love.graphics.newImage(i ..”tile”..size..”.png”)
for i = 0, 14 do
tile16[i] = love.graphics.newImage(i..”tile16.png”)
for i = 0, 14 do
tile32[i] = love.graphics.newImage(i..”tile32.png”)

–standard map grid
map = {
{ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 },
{ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 },
{ 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1 },
{ 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1 },
{ 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 },
{ 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 },
{ 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 },
{ 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 },
{ 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 },
{ 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1 },
{ 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 },
{ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 },
{ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }

— creating standard random map
for i = 1, (wx + 1) do
map[i] = {}
for l = 1, wy do
int = math.random(0, 10)
if i == 1 then
map[i][l] = 1
elseif wx <= i  then
map[i][l] = 4
elseif l == wy then
map[i][l] = 1
elseif l == 1 then
map[i][l] = 4
elseif int >= dif then
map[i][l] = 0
map[i][l] = 1

–end standard random map

–create image map
map1 = {}
for i = 1, (wx + 1) do
map1[i] = {}
for l = 1, wy do
map1[i][l] = map[i][l]
–end second array map

ilz = 0 –RV location

–begin speical map
— 5 is dirt
— 6 is light water
–second array special colors
for i = 1, (wx +1) do
for l = 1, wy do
int = math.random(0, 7)
— draw dirt
if i ~= 1 then
if map1[i][l] == 1 and l ~= wy then    –make dirt
if map1[i][l + 1] ~= 1 then
map1[i][l + 1] = 5

if map1[i][l – 1] ~= 1 and (l-1) > 3 then
map1[i][l – 1] = 5
if map1[i][l] == 1 and l  ~= wy then
if i <= (wx – 1) and map1[i + 1][l] ~= 1 then
map1[i + 1][l] = 5
if i > 2 and map1[i – 1][l] ~= 1 then
map1[i – 1][l] = 5
–draw light water
if map1[i][l] == 4 then
if l == 1 and i <= wx then
if map1[i][l + 1] == 1 then
map1[i][l + 1] = 6
map[i][l + 1] = 0
map1[i][l + 1] = 6
elseif i > wx  and l ~= 1 then
if map1[i – 1][l] == 1 then
map1[i – 1][l] = 1
map1[i – 1][l] = 6

if int >= 2 and l == 1 then
if map1[i][l + 2] == 1 then
map1[i][l + 2] = 6
map[i][l + 2] = 0
map1[i][l + 2] = 6
elseif int >= 3 and i >= wx then
if map1[i – 2][l] == 1 then
map1[i – 2][l] = 1
map1[i – 2][l] = 6

–end speical map

–player varibles and enemy
zxp = 0    –player x postion
zyp = 0    –player y postion

exp = 0 — enemy x postion
eyp = 0 — enemy y postion

— add the player and hole
map[13][14] = 2

map1[16][wy – 1] = 8 — test hole
map1[17][wy – 1] = 8 — test hole
map[16][wy – 1] = 0 — test hole
map[17][wy – 1] = 0 — test hol
ilz = 16

number = 0
–tower array thing
tArr = {}
towerInt = 6
toff = 0
for i = 1, towerInt do
tArr[i] = {}
— differnt aspects of a tower
— 1 tile image number
— 2 attack
— 3 range of attack
— 4 speed of attack
— x and y are 5 and 6
— 7,8 will be chaning x and y stuff
— 9 will be if moving
— 10 will be if attacking
— 11 and 12 will be spots on menu
— 13 will be individual counter for time
— 14 will be type of attack
— if 14 is 1 then all around attack
— if 14 is 2 then single attack
— 15 will be amount of attacks or type of attacks
— 16 will be the amount of resources required
— 17 will be the thing benth its placement
— 18 will be the health of destroy able
— 19, 20 will be there
for l = 1, 20 do
tArr[i][l] = 0
if l == 4 then
tArr[i][l] = 35
elseif l == 5 or l == 11 then
–standard is 880
tArr[i][l] = 820
elseif l == 6 or l == 12 then
tArr[i][l] = 60 + toff
elseif l == 9 then
tArr[i][l] = false
elseif l == 10 then
tArr[i][l] = false
elseif l == 16 then
tArr[i][l] = 40
elseif l == 17 then
–having issue with this placement
tArr[i][l] = 100
elseif l == 18 then
tArr[i][l] = -1
toff = toff + 40
tArr[1][1] = 7    –yellow tower
tArr[1][2] = 15    –attack power
tArr[1][3] = 1    –range of attack
tArr[1][14] = 1  –attack all around
–tArr[1][15] = 1  –how long it
–tArr[1][4] = 35

tArr[2][1] = 9    –purple tower
tArr[2][2] = 5    –attack power
tArr[2][3] = 3    –range of attack
tArr[2][4] = 25    –speed of attakc
tArr[2][14] = 2    –can only attack once
tArr[2][16] = 35 –R amout balnce it

tArr[3][1] = 12 — new barrier
tArr[3][2] = 0
tArr[3][3] = 0
tArr[3][16] = 100 –R amount
tArr[3][18] = 100 –health of the tower

tArr[4][1] = 10 –trap hole
tArr[4][2] = 100
tArr[4][3] = 0
tArr[4][14] = 1
tArr[4][16] = 75 — amount of resourses balnce
tArr[4][18] = 100 — health of tower goes down

tArr[5][1] = 11
tArr[5][2] = 100
tArr[5][3] = 10
tArr[5][14] = 1
tArr[5][15] = 1     –dies in one turn
tArr[5][16] = 250 –amount of resoures need mess with

tArr[6][1] = 14 –this will be destroy stuff
tArr[6][2] = 0
tArr[6][3] = 0
tArr[6][15] = 1
tArr[6][16] = 0

barAr = {} –this will be the array of barriers

–end tower array

inPAr = {}
for    z = 1, 35 do
inPAr[z] = false

WeCost = {
{500, 200, 0},
{250, 300, 0},
{50, 200, 0},
{10, 150, 0}

–player array of info
— add arrays for mutiple eneimes
player = {
100, –health of player
{“chain saw”, “baseball bat”, “stick”}, –names of wepons
{50, 20, 5}, –close range attack
{1, 1, 2}, — close range ranges
{“sniper rifle”,”shotgun”, “pistole”}, –names of long rane
{200, 50, 5}, — long range attack
{6, 3, 4},    –range of long attacks
3, –equip axe
3    –equip gun

–inital enemy creation
— cant go over 35 something else wrong
place = false
enNum = 35 — create how many enemies
for i = 1, enNum do
place = false
while place == false do
int = math.random(1, 35)
–int = 34
if inPAr[int] == false then
map[int + 1][3] = 3
inPAr[int] = true
place = true

en = {}
for i = 1, enNum  do
en[i] = {}
for l = 1, 11 do
en[i][l] = 0
if l == 3 then
en[i][l] = 100
elseif l == 5 then
en[i][l] = “r”
elseif l == 6 then
en[i][l] = math.random(25, 35) –mess with
elseif l ==7 then
–play with this
targ = math.random(0, 10)
if targ <= 8 then
en[i][l] = 8
en[i][l] = 2
elseif l == 9 then
en[i][l] = {}
for w =1, 2 do
en[i][l][w] = 0
elseif l == 10 then
en[i][l] = false
elseif l == 11 then
–en[i][l] = math.random(5, 10)–maybe too strong
if en[i][7] == 2 then
en[i][l] = math.random(4, 8)
en[i][l] = math.random(1, 5)

–one is x cord
–two is y cord
–three is health
— four is Not in right dir
— five is dir
— six is speed
— seven should be the target of the enemy
— 8 will be the timer for each
— 9 will be array cords of the goal
— 9 1 is the x distance
— 9 2 is the y distance
–10 will be if met goal bol
–11 will be how much their attack is

–enemy index varible
enInV = 1

for i = 1, #map do
for l = 1, #map[i] do
if map[i][l] == 2 then
zxp = l
zyp = i
if map[i][l] == 3 then
exp = l
eyp = i
— add enemys postions to array
en[enInV][1] = eyp
en[enInV][2] = exp
if enInV >= 35 then
enInV = 1
enInV = enInV + 1


— end enemy creation

— enable held keys
love.keyboard.setKeyRepeat(10, 200)

xs = 0    –map creation
ys = 0    –map creation
–es = 1    — enemy index

temp2 = 0 — storing temp numbs

Ndir = 0 — not direction enemy counter

counter = 0 — counter for color placements

time = 0 — enemy time
time2 = 0 — tower time

Resources = 2000
zoom = false
pause = true — start true
FirstPause = true
space = false
MousePressed = false    –if mouse is pressed
shortA = false    — if short attack is true
longA = false    — if long attack is true
mousEE = false — if the mouse is on an enemy
InMenu = false    — in the menu
InYellow = false     — in the tower
InPurple = false     — in the second tower
towerAttack = false    — same as bellow
towerA = 0    — if towers are attacking
tAmount = 0 –Keep track of the amount of towers
RvHealth = 1000 — rv health and stuff
RvAttack = false –if ens attacking lower rv health
FastF = false — fast forwarding enemys and towers
fastS = 35 — enemy speed and such
enCounter = 0
NewGame = false –if new game needed
EquipM = false –equip menu pause this
TowerM = false

text = 0
–spacePr = false

oldTower = 100


— u1, r1, l1, d1
m1 = 100
u1 = 100
r1 = 100
l1 = 100
d1 = 100
lowest12 = 100
small = false –need to keep
singleAt = false

–temp10 = 100

ofsetX = 0 — ofset for mouse x
ofsetY = 0 — ofset for mouse y

CMI = 100 — Current Mouse map index
CX = 100
CY = 100

Mx = 0
My = 0

–do first path finding
for w = 1, enNum do

Meeting Notes Feb 22, 2012


Tomahawk Fox Like
Bat/deer/hawk-Man Like
Trash Raccoon/food monster
Squirrel Behemoth
Sand Turtle
Flying Airplane Squirrel
Moose Car (creeper van)
Broken Glass Bird
Wooden Park Ranger
?Smoke Bear
Pirate’s Cove/Sailor (wooden, except leg) Kinda funny
Skunkenpine Like
Mole-man with earthworm arms
Bear with tree on back (exploding pinecones) Like
Daddy long leg man/slender man Love, maybe even mini boss or “heavy” enemy
?Poopy plumber
Door-man Lol
Tractor-farmer Centaur Love
Maple leaf Dragon (salamander/ maple leaf wings/shoots burning maple syrup) Love
Mountain lion/rabbit (cabbit) Like
French-toast man
Chickadeer Weird, but like
Traffic Cone Man

Home-Alone Traps
Kitchen Knife Pit
Oven Bomb
Trashcan Lid/Baseball Bat/Egg Beater
Electrical Fire Poker Like
Lobster traps (fall into pit of lobsters) Favorite of all
Rope on wood flail Like, and would also like to make it work like a tether ball trap
Ceiling fan/Backpack/Jetpack
Seagull Bombs Animal ability yes, trap no
Exploding Bear Trap Like
Venus Banana Trap What? But like
Ball-Chucker Ammo Bombs
Red Sox/Yankees Bomb
Potato Launcher Like
BBQ-bate Trap Like, maybe a combo bear trap and grill would be fun
Millinocket Stink Bombs (paper mill) Like
Maine Coon Cat-in-a-box Schrodinger’s Trap
Lamp Maine Coon Lamp cat weapon in a box (cat of cat tails)
Lawnmower Blade/Frisbee Like, check Wingstick in Rage
Air-compressor/launcher: household ammo
Saw blade launcher
Table-saw trap
Exploding RC cars Like
Snow blower chariot
Diet coke/mentos/glass grenades Like
Swinging waffle log trap Like
Christmas tree light whip
Toaster Bomb
TV/Radio-based destruction

Meeting Notes Feb 15, 2012

FEB 15 2012 NOTES !!!!

Sean X.
Secretary: Maria

Sean X.’s drawing explanation: (see forum for further details)
Night cycle/Tower defense element of the game
Rectangular space
Build walls and upon them for sniping
RV and generators
Materials/supplies for robots used to maintain their health
Animals can recover themselves
Woodsman helps you build your trees and shrubbery, etc.

Contradiction: does this set of ideas make you just an observer/helper?
Is this too much of an RTS?
Would you want a combination of towers and units?
How do we want to play this game?:
Falling items

2 classes with sub-classes:
Differences between classes:

First Classes: Choose Engineer or Park Ranger
Secondary Classes: Woodsmen (close-range) or Marksman (long-range)
Robot or Animals
Robots and Animals are equivalent to each other
Would there be bonuses for choosing one over another?

You chose your class and play accordingly, making sure the classes are different
Expand the tutorial to explain the differences between he two classes

Skill Trees:
Does the main character have health?
What happens when you die?
You get carried back to your RV/timed respawn
No love-interest feature
Parents dropping you off say: Goodbye son or daughter? (Add name)

Robots, tower, and player: elemental damage
Passive and active skills

Other concerns:
Mondays are just for meetings of group leaders in the CML and Wednesdays are for everyone

Meeting Notes Feb 8, 2012

Sean X.

Total of 15 votes:
Maine-9 votes
Space Shark-6 votes

Agenda Item 1:
Announced game
Game should be shippable/functional by the end of the semester
Scheduling will adjust based on time needs

Item 2:
Split into teams and discuss with their group. Learn things about each other like skill level with media and schedules, as well as what you think your team needs to accomplish and when.

Item 3: Team Leaders Announcement of Time for Meeting:
Programmers: Monday after the PSG meeting
Sound: Research stage/find them on the forums
Story: As much of Saturday as possible and a possible Friday night meeting (located in Chadbourne)
Art: Meetings between Max and Hong/art also on the forums

Story prep: brainstorm on the forums
Art prep: come up with ideas/sketch
Programming: add potential members to group

If you are interested in other groups, go to their meetings.

Discussion Notes:
Further ideas for the story can be posed to the NEW IDEAS on the forum.
Will the game be sold on STEAM or bonus content there?
Style? Exploration/Tower Defence
Perspective/View? Top down for travel/Side for entering houses

Meeting Notes Feb 6, 2012


Sean X.
Zak (late)

First Item:
Last day for ideas
Write/Vote on the forums
Based on the attendance of this meeting, we cannot vote here (at this meeting)
Vote online by Wednesday’s meeting
By Wednesday, we will know which game we are working on
Formalize teams (overlap into Wednesday most likely)
Determine which team/sub-group you are most interested in working in (or the admin.s can decide on one for you)
Leaders/chairs, as mentioned in the email, will be in charge of their work/schedule and will guide you along the game-making journey
You can switch teams after the game decision is made if you feel that your tallents would be better used elsewhere within PowerSource
(Will address more on Wednesday)
Team Interests:
Kevin: Story
Sean X.: Story/Art
Hong: Story (setting and architecture/constructing story flow) write for the setting
Andy: Art/Programming
Evans: Chair of Story
Ryan: Story/Art/Programming
Zak: (passed) [Chair of Sound with Sean M.]
Clay: Programming/Art
Max: Chair of Art
Jordan: Chair of Programming

Discussion time:
Saber-Tooth Tiger Shark (punny shark jokes)
Should the shark game be PSG’s first step into the gaming world? (troupes concern)
If someone works on a job that wasn’t their first choice, they can bring that experience to the next project
Question of scale/difficulty/level systems
Reasoning about how to punish and reward players
Not distracting players
Shark game – difficulty levels
Maine – area-based scaling
Combine RPG/grind/and skills
Play smarter, do better (mind game/strategy vs. skill)
Companion option in the Maine game

Meeting Notes Feb 1, 2012

Sean X.
Randiama Sp? Rookey

6:30 meetings every week on Mondays and Wednesdays in library CML (unless you hear otherwise).
Website will be up by tonight/tomorrow and updates will be available there.
Wiki and website will be up as soon as Jolene or John fix it.

Pitching ideas/favorite games:
Sean X:
Shark game.
Sample picture shown (tattoos/chainsaw fins/scorpion tail). Give the player small rewards to distract player from lack of detail. Highly customizable shark (birthday cake hat). Story to go along with game play. Born the chosen shark to consume the universe. Move from ocean food to humans to buildings to planets (which become the atoms of another universe).
Sean M.
Maine survival/Apocalypse game.
Doable within a semester without too many details. Canadians come down from Canada, because they want Maine. U.S. doesn’t care.
(Discussion from group as a whole: )The Mounties come and attack! Humorous…fighting moose bosses. Making fun of both Mainers and Canadians.
Coma game.
Slowly going crazy. Alice Maddness Returns: wonderland starts to seep into the real world. Mix the real world with his/her psyche/coma. (Discussion: someone is bringing you through the game)
Coma game.
“Dark Scott” –the main antagonist (an opposite of the protagonist)-reference to Scott Pilgrim
Maine Survival game.
Fast paced level action. Night time attacks with structure. Scavaging during day.
Shark game
Creative voice humor in violence in the game (of objects).
Maine survival
Scavenging particularly. Interest in including a companion dog like in Fable

Maine Survival game. Appreciates the idea of being able to collect items. Enjoys storyline.
Fisherman comes back with a different accents.
Maine survival and shark games. Seem easy to program.
Coma game only comfortable with writing if dark
Maine survival. Diseases make animals go crazy.Has the most options without having too much plot. Hickster character who trades things for toilet paper for his outhouse. Include humor.

Hong and Vincent’s imput:
(First time at a meeting with PowerSource.) The coma game would have a large plot. Maine game would be inclined towards user-player contact. (As would the shark game.) Thinks that the shark game would be the most doable. The Maine game might work too. (The coma game would work best for next year.)

Other subjects discussed:
The coma game will continue to be developed on wiki. The coma game is out now. Too difficult.

The wiki will have guidelines for formatting of posts.

Down to Maine or shark games.

Is the shark game too close to Spore or Calamari? Does the fact that it is doable outweigh this?

If the Maine game continues, it will need to be planned very well so that we can ensure that it can be accomplished by the end of the semester.
Shark game
Game-play: you think that once you’ve finished eating the planets that you’re done, but it just starts a whole new world.

Start of teams:
Teams are not restrictive. Everyone can contribute to every team.
Byan: Music or soundeffects/art (not a strong programmer)
Rory: Art/programming/advertising
Clay: Art/programming
Zach: programming/story/voice acting
Ryan: Character development/modeling/story
Zak: Story/sound/art/overseer
Andy: Art/programming
Evans: Story/sound/art
Vincent: Story/ideas/voice actors
Hong: translations/voice acting/construction of game with flowcharts (analyzing)
Sean X.: detail of game play/programming/story: puns/art
Rookey: Story/plot/programming/post production
Sean M: Music performance/programming/art
Jordan: Programming/art/story

Next week: the game design document is being written
If the wiki isn’t up soon enough, we could possibly start up a FirstClass folder (by Friday)
Link to a survey monkey for votes on final game choice.
Emails on status of various issues coming as soon as possible.
Monday meeting at 6:30 unless otherwise notified.
Write ideas and post. Then discuss online.

Additional side note: come up with a signature sound for PowerSource

Meeting Notes 2/20/2012

Notes taken by: Maria

No set agenda for this meeting
Should we think about “homework” for over the break?

Homework: Story:
How many NPCs
Skills/how they factor into story

Concern about traps/towers, what you deploy on the battlefield depends on the class you choose
Real time strategy
Repair, can we make it fun?
Who/what are the towers?
Towers are nail-guns/snow-blowers, while the animals/robots are your minions

Working on the “grid-system” (square, rather than hexagonal)
Every monster is to fit within one or more squares

Nature monstors: 5 classes: based on size (from squirrels to big enemies)
Granny boss would be a 4

Should we try to stay as far away as possible from offensive subjects (priests and little boys) or should we embrace them to get attention?
Possible moose rider named Teddy (like the President, who rode a moose, no saddle, through a river)

Sean is creating sections on the forum for notes/minutes and contacts
What percentage of the group is visiting the forum regularly?
We can check usage on the forum.

Music needs to find a functioning program for their project

Wednesday’s Meeting:
Wednesday’s meeting, break-up and decide when to meet with groups or get the story complete, most likely the latter.
Brainstorming: ask what people want in the enemies and tabulate the results
-Votes to further the ideas
-Approve/deny (critique based on notes)
-[BEFORE MEETING] Email people who we have contact info: ask for them to compile their best ideas (come with your 10 favorite ideas)

Enemy creations: animal and human types
Skill creation/trees/blueprints (traps/towers/specialty weapons)
Weapons to use

End Wednesday’s meeting with homework assignments
Post list of chosen enemies to forum so that concept art can be developed

Meeting Notes Jan 25, 2012





Sean X.













Charles (interested in a game-design major)


(Big on setting and big on customization)

(Achievement system)

Maine/Zombie: Character starts in Maine in a small town off the grid. Everyone is dead/gone. You are told that a zombie apocalypse has occurred (by a Maine fisherman). You scavenge during the day and defend by night. Humor/side-scroller/puzzles/tower-defense.


Possibilities: Bartering for tools/going on a quest to find tools

Moose-boss!/Stephen King Connection?/Maine celebrities

Sequel: Come from the city to live in Maine…fending off friendly neighbors.

Pirate Idea: Open-world setting (multiple islands). Create your own character. Work your way up through the ranks of the ship. Poop-deck swabber.

World-Eating Shark: Robot shark that can fly. Eats space objects. Once you start eating planets, you eat up to the universe. Start eating humans. Score possibly based on how long it takes you to eat the universe.

Coma Patient Game: Openness/potential for anything you want to do. Start out not knowing that you are in the coma. Fight personal demons in a dream/level up. (Inspirations: Sucker Punch.) (Example: fear of something that happened on the playground in kindergarten…you as a grown man fight kids on a playground.) Varying weapon styles.

Problem: Too open?

The brain is the world map. (Refining the idea.) Sections: Nightmares/happy-unicorn-land/crazy psychological elements [Horror humor]

Each level teaches you more about the patient.

Final boss is the coma itself that you’re fighting.

Moves as a story.

Mainly a side-scroller.

Major votes:

Top 2: Maine survival & Dream

Bottom 2: Sharks & Pirates

Mission: Draw-up your thoughts of how you think these games should flesh-out. Concept art/1 page for each/concise description. Brainstorm.

Post online. (As a word document.)


Marketing: Adds and upgrading to not have adds. Debate of whether to include adds. How large the adds are.

Future Locations/Meetings


Meeting Notes Jan 23, 2012

Meeting notes Jan 23, 2012
Attendance: Sean M, Sean Robertson, Andy, Jordan, Maria, Kevin, Zach, Clay, Billy

Jordan: Coder, Maya, 3D animation, Game Design, New Media, Computer Science

Sean M: Music, C++, Python, Java, Jack of all trades

Andy: Flash animations, C++?, Processing, action script, Design, Drawing

Sean: Computer Science, Python, Java, Critical analysis, cliché monologues, Unity

Clay: Unity experience, Blender modeling, Photoshop, Logic

Maria: Story writing, Voice Acting, Productivity Enhancements

Kevin: Critique, Game tester, 3D design kinda hehe, Jack of all trades


Zach: Flash, Photoshop skills, Video editing, Sound recording, Motivator, Story writing

Billy: Maya, Photoshop, Story boarding, Jack of all trades

Game Ideas:
Zombie Horror with real life problems (Hoard mode), Park my car games, Role playing Pirate Game , RTS multiplayer, Winter survival, Oregon trail, Tower Defense zombie apocalypse castle crashers night/day create your own character

Pirate game= maybe 2d maybe 3d. 2D would be cartoony and could have mini games are part of the game. Could connect to the overall 3rd game in which people play against each other in real game

Sharks in space, cyborg sharks,

Dreams, changing settings, nightmares, good dreams

Switch between dreams to beat the main dreams to wake up, coma patient, flash back, psychedelic, talking dogs? Multi paths (die in dream, new path, spinning top at the end hehe. Tim Burton style, 2.5D side scroller 1st person,

END Meeting notes