Theater of the Oppressed, Augusto Boal


For the most part, the most severe consequence for for Boal of this interactive techniques is death. In almost every example death would have been there worst punishment. Like in the example with the poor woman and the love letters she could have easily killed her husband but then the lesson never would have been learned. For the most part this interactivity allows for the truth about humanity to come out. People like to behave with out consequences and that is exactly what this interactivity allows them to do.

Know the body” is a technique in Boal’s theater of the oppressed in which the spec-actor become more familiar with their bode. They come to realize what they can really do with it and not just what is expected of them. It helps teach people what a human body can actually accomplish. The body also speaks so that others can understand it. A passive body has characteristics that tell others around them, that the body is passive. It could be sloped shoulders or the curve of the back, but other people can pick up on those features. The act of bowing shows a sense of Hierarchy, while in comparison standing tall shows resistance in certain situations.

Boal techniques are called the “The sims of the Oppressed” because it is a simulation of different events. Real emotions are being simulated instead of actually occurring. These simulation allow for a deeper examination than the actual situation.

When in a situation like a classroom or at the work place the urge to act out often presents itself. But if I were to defend a fellow employes work to my boss, I also put my own position in danger. If that boss was attacking something done by another employee that I thought was good, I would like to stand up for that friend. But would that put my position with the boss in peril? It often causes a problem of properties.

The Image Theater was a performance in which all actors in the scenario need to express their feelings on a certain issue. They sculpt their own bodies into the position that they feel is representative of how they should be feeling. Other actors are allowed to change the scene as they see fit. Each actor gets their own change to place their bodies when that is complete others have the option to offer feed back. I think it works because people are forced to express themselves with out using words. Its much more difficult for everyone involved but in the end it produces a better result.

Invisible theater is a group of people putting on a rehearsed performance without alerting the public around them. The public viewing the scene think that it is actually happening and it creates interesting results. The public around are total random but the people involved in the theater having been practicing for a while.

Spectator is a bad word because it dehumanizes the person causing them to be considered less than a man. A spectator has no involvement in what is occurring and no choice about what they want to happen. This act of taking the choice away is bad. What Boal sent out to do is change that entire practice. In some ways video games and other interactive mediums allow for the spectator to become part of the action and really change what they want based on what they think should be changed. The interactive theater allows people to be responsible for what happens around them. Instead of standing by and letting bad things happen people are forced to fight for what they think is right. It promotes awareness and it actually begins to fix the problems they are fighting for.

Edge of Art, Introduction part 3

With the recent times more and more people find pleasure in making their lives public. It feeds the need for attention and most people find nothing wrong with it. People want to be liked. They view these reality TV shows and assume that is how they should be living. For the most part people live their lives by some form moral beliefs and goals, but what those beliefs are, can be changed by the media we see around us. We see others making their life public so why shouldn’t I? They are getting attention while I’m not. I guess that means I have to change.

Autobotography allows a person to see who they really are. What faults they have and insecurities they have been trying to hide. When it comes down to it, autobotographys also show us what technology is doing to us. How it is changing us. In this way technology also allows us to focus more upon our selfs instead of others. We are given new ways to show how much we care about our selfs and how much we make others care about ourselves. The attention is addictive. People post photo after photo just so that they can have a reminder that other people like what they do. It becomes a cycle, that the more people show us interest, the more we want that attention back when it fades.

The internet and your information should not go together. With the recent times Facebook and its need to know about me have grown to ridiculous heights. Everyone on Facebook does not need to know where I am at every moment of the day. If I want people to know where I am, I will call them. If I wanted peoples opinions on what I do everyday, I would ask. Also posting your current location online almost teachers online predators your schedule. If a family all posts that they are going on vacation or at least out of the house for a length of time, whats stoping a potential burglar from robbing them blind? It almost makes it too easy for the predators out there.

One project that really changed its participates, was the Blogging a Birth project. I think by allowing the readers and the audience of that blog into such a private moment like their child’s birth, establish a much more interment connection. In a way relationships are formed with every member of that blog. Another project that really seemed to change they way we think about our selfs, would be the Jennicam. Before the Jennicam no one was really showing every aspect of their lives on with other people. She took this new medium and changed the way people perceive privacy all around the world.

With the project Nobody Here, views are greeted with the site of a man hunched over a computer. It brings to light the fact that this new technology only involves one person. Working on a computer is a looney task and it removes the human interaction from user. It attempts to replace it with other forms of interaction but nothing can really replace two people talking and interacting in person.

With all of our current technologies, we shape another not physical version of ourself. Everything posted on Facebook, everything we see and like changes what the internet thinks we are. Most companies out there now try to target individual people based upon what they think their target demographic is. The internet allows them the tools to find exactly who would buy their product because of the cybernetic version we leave of ourselves.

Like I started to say above, what we do on the internet changes our digital selves. Our digital presence can be bought and sold to the highest bidder, so that companies know everything we say about our selves upon the internet. We become who we are based upon what we like or do upon the internet.

The idea of a digital selves raises a lot concerns. What if the representation does not match what actually exists in the real world? What is preventing a man from portraying himself as a little girl? People on the internet need to know that who they are interacting with could actually be someone totally different. These invented selves do not need to be true. We “invent” them. We can make them into who we want to be, who we are not, or just what ever we care to be. People really need to understand the lack of truth within a digital self.