We finished the war photography, “War Photographer” movie and we began to discuss about the different techniques used during the film. The use of long cuts impacted the people in the class differently. The different war situations required a different perspective and special regard. This film gives a interesting look on a different kind of photography. Advertisers do not want their adds next to photos of negative events in the world. James Nachtwey is a very special person with a certain attitude to be suited to this kind of work.
We than began to talk about different techniques for lighting photos in the field. Use reflective surfaces for more light. When taking a a photo there are two currtians. The first opens and allows for a the image to come into the camera while the second curtain takes the photo and closes the view. Second curtain sync, the second currtain flashs as soon as a light goes off. The use of flash can really add details and interest to your photos. The use of available light can be as simple as turn on some overhead lights and some not overhead lights. Lighting can bring out details with small objects like flowers or bugs. Light in parking lots can not be corrected to neutral. Day light its a cold light. Use photos for documenting everyday life can create great photos. Combine ambient and flash exposure for better lighting. With a wooden background use automatic white balance to create better light. Bounce light off of things, use it to paint the scene and use and exploit it in general to improve your photos in general.