The Yes Men tells the tale of two men trying to fight the wrongs with the world. They acted as modern day vigilantes fighting for the down trodden. This two men trick their way into large meetings and try to make heads of corporations see the errors in their ways. The film told their tale which was one part eye opening and one part entertainment. They try to shock and surprise people with their ideas but for its effect could be argued. There largest effect was a televised broadcast on BBC in which they tried to fix a crisis in Baypaul but in the long run the company responsible did nothing to fix their issues of the past. The company responsible spent more money on an ad complain then they did for the people in India. I really enjoyed their method and my eyes were opened to finding new ways of fighting corporations. Their method was inventive and their attempt was just but I wish more people could have been effected. I fished the movie at my room and I was continually amazed by the amount of greed existing with in our country. I hope more people see and learn from this movie.