“What is New Media?” – Vin Crosbie Response

  1. The three transportation medias are land, water and sky. The difference between a transport medium and a transport vehicle is that a vehicle is something that brings a person across some distance but a transportation medium is some thing that a transport vehicle goes across. A transportation medium for example is land while a transport vehicle is like a car, that carries a person across land.


  2. The three communication medias are the Interpersonal Medium, the Mass Medium and finally the New Medium. A communication media could be something like two people talking to one another as in one to one while a communication vehicle is something like a website that facilitates many to many communication. An email can be two different kinds of Mediums. If the email is only going in-between two people, it is an Interpersonal Medium. But if the Email is traveling from one person to many others it becomes a Mass Medium.


  1. During interpersonal communication a person can communicate with one person and they can make their point very clearly. Communication between two people is easily understood but it take awhile for the message to be spread. For one person to talk to one person and pass on a message it would take awhile in comparison to a Mass Medium. Broadcast communication has the ability to spread a message very fast but the ability to have comprehension is lost. People listing can no longer ask questions or reply to anything from the speaker.


  1. The characteristics of the New Medium are that individual information can be seen by a potentially infinite number of people, but everyone who broadcasts or receives information has control over that content. It gets rid of both of the disadvantages of the mediums that come before it. Many to many communication is not dependent on new technology like the laptop or iphone, it depends on the invention of the internet and how that lets us share information. The laptop is just a vehicle to see this new medium.

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