Meeting notes Jan 23, 2012
Attendance: Sean M, Sean Robertson, Andy, Jordan, Maria, Kevin, Zach, Clay, Billy
Jordan: Coder, Maya, 3D animation, Game Design, New Media, Computer Science
Sean M: Music, C++, Python, Java, Jack of all trades
Andy: Flash animations, C++?, Processing, action script, Design, Drawing
Sean: Computer Science, Python, Java, Critical analysis, cliché monologues, Unity
Clay: Unity experience, Blender modeling, Photoshop, Logic
Maria: Story writing, Voice Acting, Productivity Enhancements
Kevin: Critique, Game tester, 3D design kinda hehe, Jack of all trades
Zach: Flash, Photoshop skills, Video editing, Sound recording, Motivator, Story writing
Billy: Maya, Photoshop, Story boarding, Jack of all trades
Game Ideas:
Zombie Horror with real life problems (Hoard mode), Park my car games, Role playing Pirate Game , RTS multiplayer, Winter survival, Oregon trail, Tower Defense zombie apocalypse castle crashers night/day create your own character
Pirate game= maybe 2d maybe 3d. 2D would be cartoony and could have mini games are part of the game. Could connect to the overall 3rd game in which people play against each other in real game
Sharks in space, cyborg sharks,
Dreams, changing settings, nightmares, good dreams
Switch between dreams to beat the main dreams to wake up, coma patient, flash back, psychedelic, talking dogs? Multi paths (die in dream, new path, spinning top at the end hehe. Tim Burton style, 2.5D side scroller 1st person,
END Meeting notes