Journal 2/20

Class Evaluations on 2/20: Emotion and Interaction

Focus on how people interact and feel about their emotions. Is the person interacting with the photographer or actually interacting with other people? Do not interact with the people you are taking photos of. That produces staged effects. Black coats present issues due to their shapes not showing up and big shadows. With people moving use a faster shutter speed. Giving a variety of pictures makes for more interesting sets of photos. Get in really tight to give emphasis and a focus. Some people took pictures of people interacting in classes. Taking pictures in a theater like setting provides good lighting and there should be no issues technically. Some bright colors distract from the over all picture. Chose a setting where the lighting and action are taking place and wait for action to occur. If the setting and lighting don’t lend themselves to good photos, you should find a new place to take photos.

Journal 2/18

Photo Story Proposals:
Things to think about: Make sure the photo story is interesting and the person that the story is on, is actually something people want to hear about. The person should have some special events that make it interesting for us to see. We need to respect peoples privacy and personal lives. Having stories close to home are much better than having to travel. Traveling makes these stories much harder. Having feed back from the class really improves the overall story. Need to be careful of respecting peoples privacy and health.

Journal 2/13

Landscape and City Scape Critic:

The use of lighting and angles seems to be a big theme for the class. Reptition of colors and elements make an interesting composition. Technical details often make or break the photo. Be very care full and take time to look at a scene before the photo is taken. Some people can focus on trees and branches instead of buildings. When taking pictures of trees make sure the light lends itself to define the structure. If you have a photo of interesting people doing interesting things but is technically weak, it can still work because of the emotional connection to the subject. Reflections added interest to the photo. Use cropping to keep the focus where you want it. Adding people or cars adds interest to landscapes. Taking photos in interesting weather makes more interesting photos. Using color often makes photos more interesting.

Journal Feb 11

Environmental Portrait: Active portraits almost always are best, but sometimes a posed portrait in a relevant setting is the most appropriate solution. Posing people can be okay as long as a certain amount of context is included in the scene from the subjects life. For environmental portraiture do not use students or people on campus. Use people from the towns and stuff like that.

Setting – Does the place say something significant about this person and his or her activities?  Uniform- Does your subject wear distinctive clothes that add meaning to her avocation and ; or personality?
Artifacts – Does your subject work with special  tools or objects that can add meaning to the picture?
Atmosphere – Does the quality of light contribute important information or mood?
Expression and body Language- Is the subject acting natural and engaged in meaningful activity? Make sure the subject stands out.
Add light or exploit light that already there. Because you can exercise complete control on this exercise, there should be no flaws in composition or technique. Finding interesting attributes about the subject makes the photo better. Context is very important for good photos. Long exposure times can create interesting effects. Using lighting provides interesting effects. Use more in detail captions to well explain the photo. Kip got to have one of his photos in the class!!! And Adam got two photos in!!!

Journey to Machias:
Lots of photos taken in Roque Bluffs state park. Photos from bad little falls. Tripods really help when taking photos of very dark photos with high iso’s.

Journal 2/4

Assignment #6: People without People
Suggest people without actually showing people. Use effects of people like their clothing, and other things they interact with. Suggest the presence of a person without actually showing a person. Show how masses of individuals have had a noticeable effect on the environment over time. Observe how individuals alter personal spaces by collecting or modifying objects that have special meaning for them. Notice the patina that develops over time from the touch of many human hands. Observe how the cumulative actions of masses of people can affect an object or place over an amount of time. Try to express something significant about the character of the individuals involved. Look at old buildings with old features. Older houses and older people have very interesting things from times past and cool stuff like that. Pay attention to peoples intentions and desired effects. Look for like tree heart carvings for like peoples names and hearts. Customized and stylized effects are cool because it shows effects. Show the impact of time.


Dive in movie theater on Hammond Street.