1. I think the issue of Internet Piracy is a big deal at the moment but I think the media makes it a big deal for the wrong reasons. For the most part big media conglomerates seem to use piracy as scapegoat instead of admitting real issues. Like if a movie studio was to say that the sales for their current movie was bad because of the amount of time it was pirated means nothing. It could be that the sales are bad for the movie because the movie was simply bad. Or that the ten year old kid downloading a movie would have never seen the movie otherwise is not why sales are bad. The music industry is not dying because music is being pirated, the current issues could be blamed on a series of other factors including bad quality, over saturation of the market or just a bad market. Piracy is not as big of deal as the media makes it out to be. Of course, some people use it to steal material but that material is getting out there. More people are seeing that material which is a good thing! The more people interested in a product means that more people are their to support that product when maybe a sequel is released. The media needs to be open minded towards Piracy instead of being so biased. Personally, if I could get the taste of a band by downloading an older album, the more interested I am in the bands next piece of work. But the media doesn’t want to think about that. They just paint Internet pirates as dark evil characters instead of seeing the real picture. The whole entertainment industry needs to stop blaming piracy for their issues and instead realize if they make a worthwhile product, people will buy it. I know I will.
2. For the most part of a persons childhood everything is taken care of for them. They sit back and let others make their decision, until the child is old enough. When that happens they begin to run their own lives. And when that happens, everyone has a choice. Do you sit back and let things happen around you? Or do you make your life what you want it to be? For the most part, people just let their lives pass them by. Others make their lives what they what it to be. This article speaks about several different people trying to change their lives. One person, a journalist Marla Ruzicka, goes out to Iraq in an attempt to help the wars victim just because that person wanted to help those people. She cared about that issue, so she set out to change it. I hope that more and more people start to fight for their beliefs. I am inspired by Marla, and her life, and I hope that someday I will find a cause that I believe in as strongly as she did her’s.