Notes taken by: Maria
No set agenda for this meeting
Should we think about “homework” for over the break?
Homework: Story:
How many NPCs
Skills/how they factor into story
Concern about traps/towers, what you deploy on the battlefield depends on the class you choose
Real time strategy
Repair, can we make it fun?
Who/what are the towers?
Towers are nail-guns/snow-blowers, while the animals/robots are your minions
Working on the “grid-system” (square, rather than hexagonal)
Every monster is to fit within one or more squares
Nature monstors: 5 classes: based on size (from squirrels to big enemies)
Granny boss would be a 4
Should we try to stay as far away as possible from offensive subjects (priests and little boys) or should we embrace them to get attention?
Possible moose rider named Teddy (like the President, who rode a moose, no saddle, through a river)
Sean is creating sections on the forum for notes/minutes and contacts
What percentage of the group is visiting the forum regularly?
We can check usage on the forum.
Music needs to find a functioning program for their project
Wednesday’s Meeting:
Wednesday’s meeting, break-up and decide when to meet with groups or get the story complete, most likely the latter.
Brainstorming: ask what people want in the enemies and tabulate the results
-Votes to further the ideas
-Approve/deny (critique based on notes)
-[BEFORE MEETING] Email people who we have contact info: ask for them to compile their best ideas (come with your 10 favorite ideas)
Enemy creations: animal and human types
Skill creation/trees/blueprints (traps/towers/specialty weapons)
Weapons to use
End Wednesday’s meeting with homework assignments
Post list of chosen enemies to forum so that concept art can be developed