Sean X.
Randiama Sp? Rookey
6:30 meetings every week on Mondays and Wednesdays in library CML (unless you hear otherwise).
Website will be up by tonight/tomorrow and updates will be available there.
Wiki and website will be up as soon as Jolene or John fix it.
Pitching ideas/favorite games:
Sean X:
Shark game.
Sample picture shown (tattoos/chainsaw fins/scorpion tail). Give the player small rewards to distract player from lack of detail. Highly customizable shark (birthday cake hat). Story to go along with game play. Born the chosen shark to consume the universe. Move from ocean food to humans to buildings to planets (which become the atoms of another universe).
Sean M.
Maine survival/Apocalypse game.
Doable within a semester without too many details. Canadians come down from Canada, because they want Maine. U.S. doesn’t care.
(Discussion from group as a whole: )The Mounties come and attack! Humorous…fighting moose bosses. Making fun of both Mainers and Canadians.
Coma game.
Slowly going crazy. Alice Maddness Returns: wonderland starts to seep into the real world. Mix the real world with his/her psyche/coma. (Discussion: someone is bringing you through the game)
Coma game.
“Dark Scott” –the main antagonist (an opposite of the protagonist)-reference to Scott Pilgrim
Maine Survival game.
Fast paced level action. Night time attacks with structure. Scavaging during day.
Shark game
Creative voice humor in violence in the game (of objects).
Maine survival
Scavenging particularly. Interest in including a companion dog like in Fable
Maine Survival game. Appreciates the idea of being able to collect items. Enjoys storyline.
Fisherman comes back with a different accents.
Maine survival and shark games. Seem easy to program.
Coma game only comfortable with writing if dark
Maine survival. Diseases make animals go crazy.Has the most options without having too much plot. Hickster character who trades things for toilet paper for his outhouse. Include humor.
Hong and Vincent’s imput:
(First time at a meeting with PowerSource.) The coma game would have a large plot. Maine game would be inclined towards user-player contact. (As would the shark game.) Thinks that the shark game would be the most doable. The Maine game might work too. (The coma game would work best for next year.)
Other subjects discussed:
The coma game will continue to be developed on wiki. The coma game is out now. Too difficult.
The wiki will have guidelines for formatting of posts.
Down to Maine or shark games.
Is the shark game too close to Spore or Calamari? Does the fact that it is doable outweigh this?
If the Maine game continues, it will need to be planned very well so that we can ensure that it can be accomplished by the end of the semester.
Shark game
Game-play: you think that once you’ve finished eating the planets that you’re done, but it just starts a whole new world.
Start of teams:
Teams are not restrictive. Everyone can contribute to every team.
Byan: Music or soundeffects/art (not a strong programmer)
Rory: Art/programming/advertising
Clay: Art/programming
Zach: programming/story/voice acting
Ryan: Character development/modeling/story
Zak: Story/sound/art/overseer
Andy: Art/programming
Evans: Story/sound/art
Vincent: Story/ideas/voice actors
Hong: translations/voice acting/construction of game with flowcharts (analyzing)
Sean X.: detail of game play/programming/story: puns/art
Rookey: Story/plot/programming/post production
Sean M: Music performance/programming/art
Jordan: Programming/art/story
Next week: the game design document is being written
If the wiki isn’t up soon enough, we could possibly start up a FirstClass folder (by Friday)
Link to a survey monkey for votes on final game choice.
Emails on status of various issues coming as soon as possible.
Monday meeting at 6:30 unless otherwise notified.
Write ideas and post. Then discuss online.
Additional side note: come up with a signature sound for PowerSource