Journal 1/28

Class  Notes for NMD 341 on 1/28

First viewing the fact that the diigo group is up and now we can all join and comment on articles. We moved on to discuss the two new assignments he has passed out.

Show people doing things that make them newsworthy and show emotions in photos in an important way.

The Emotion/Interaction Assignment is to take a candid photo of two or more people interacting in a meaningful way. So look for interesting body language, facial expressions and gestures. Focus on interactions in meaningful ways. When taking these photos make sure to fully understand whats going on in the photo just beyond the image. Find out the stories behind each of the subjects of the photo. If you can’t be at an event, try to find actions during the preparations of the event. Body language is very important in creating interesting photos. David Duncan Douglas was a very famous war time photographer from the 1960s. Sometimes two many details distract from the important aspects of a photo. Do not take photos of sporting events, even though playing sports is all about interactions. Try to tell a story with the interactions. It is due February 19th.

So take the photo first in order to capture the moment and then ask the permission of the subjects after the fact, if not okay delete the photo.

For six strangers assignment find like a place of work, talk to the boss and take pictures of the employes.

Be at ease. be prepared.
Know your equipment. Carry as little gear as possible.
Meter in advance. Set aperture and shutter before the action begins.
Dress for the situation. Conservative always is good.
Place subjects in front of simple backgrounds.
Conduct yourself as if you have a right to be there.
Be still. Be looking, be watching.
Move infrequently and slowly. Avoid eye contact.
Respect your subject.
Don’t be sneaky. Explain your purpose in advance.
Be clear that you are participating in a class exercise.
Get permission from responsible parties before attempting to photograph children.
Get ids of everyone who is prominent in the photo
Belive in yourself and in your mission.
Know your rights.
Respect the rights of victims.

Journal 1/23

What we talked about:

Old cameras, different forms of cameras for different purposes. The modern digital camera. Single lenses reflex form to ground glass. Cameras also have electric images to present what the camera is looking at. Lots of functions and buttons to do different things.

Photography club, meets on campus and just practices taking pictures. Derick is pretty cool and he took a lot of photos in a period of two years.

How many megapixels do you need?
Web for low res: .3 MP
Newspaper: 1.8MP
Most cameras end up around 20MP

The light-sensing chips are pretty small. Lots of different forms of storage mediums and they are all very small. Use a lot of small memory cards so that if one breaks, you don’t lose all your images.

Files formats tif ( tag image file format )
jpg ( joint pohoto experts group)
phg (portable network graphics)
gif (graphics interchange format)
DNG ( digital negative)
PDF ( portable document format)

Most often we will work in jpeg and raw
File naming format:

DP & Storytelling naming assignment

Metadata: automatic date
file size
lens and focal length
flash status
User Meta Data
copyright notice
caption info

File Compression  Lossless
Tif, png, fig, bmp
Something else
jpeg and stuff
File sizes are important

Some cameras are getting very fast and have a lot of great features. Most are around 700 dollars. Having a lot of lenses is fun!  For more information go to  Use the cameras different settings for the different situations you can be in.
The screen on the camera usually shows you the different settings you have set up. The cameras have a bunch of cool buttons for doing interesting things. Basically play with the camera till you understand what everything does. The memory card is very sensitive. Use the cameras manual to get more specific information about the camera.

My Game Project Story

I want to make games. When I leave school there is nothing I would like to do more than make games. So because of that, I wanted to start making games now. This project allowed me for to do that. This need started when I was a young boy. My parents gave me my first game system at the age of ten. My first favorite game was Spryo the Dragon. This game brought together my most favorite mythical creature with a great interactive medium. The story was almost perfect for a child of my age. Everything was bright and happy as I was bright and happy playing the game. It was almost the actual embodiment of my Saturday morning cartoons with in a interactive media. I spent hours collecting every gem and every other thing I could within the game. It seemed like hours vanished as I spent more and more time with that little purple dragon and his color cast of friends. As I grew older, I found other series that sparked my interest. My tastes evolved from simple adventure tales into much deeper Japaneses role playing games. These stories were deeper and the fighting systems became much more complex. I spent large amounts of hours working to fight each great evil within these games. The stories became more epic as time went on. They inspired me. Each game seemed to be taking ever story from my books and matching it with the cartoon visuals of my favorite shows. Nothing could be better. This love stayed with me through out my career as a high school student. During highschool I looked for a normal career because its what I thought I should be doing. I thought of being a doctor. It was a gross and squishy idea. But during my senior year, I reconnected with my artistic side. Everything else seemed boring in comparison. I realized I wanted to create but not in such an artistic sense. I was not good enough too really become a professional artist. So I looked at my other talents. For a long time, I wanted to take my cooking talents to a professional level. But the more I thought about it, the less I actually wanted it to happen. I liked cooking but I felt like if I did it as a profession, I would soon grow to hate it. I liked cooking for my self way too much to actually make a profession out of it. So I came to college with the idea of trying to make video games. This idea became a revelation. Why wouldn’t I do what I loved?

My classes began to teach me the tools I needed. When I began to program, I realized how much I had been missing. I wished I had been introduced to this concept before. It possibilities are basically endless while it give me more tools for creativity than I ever thought I could have. Childish dreams suddenly became reasonable ideas. I basically had the tools to do anything. It blew my mind.

I began to play. With games, with people and with code. Each program became a puzzle. The hardest but at the same time, also the easy puzzle ever. The puzzle was made up only a few pieces but most of the pieces repeated over and over. Each piece could fit where ever I wanted to place it but what the end result depended on what pieces I used. It was work but it was also the most fun work I had ever done. It allowed me to express myself similar to drawing but in a totally new way. Not only could I create art, I could create a product that could be interacted with, played with. The more I learned, the more I saw the possibilities of code. I saw how it code be applied to almost everything. Technology began to look simple. The magic behind a computer, disappeared to be replaced with a good understanding of what was actually happening. And the most amazing thing was that I actually could do anything I saw.

So time went on. I began to code for classes and work days upon those projects. For the most part it prevented me from really playing with the code like I wanted to. This made me sad. I wanted to express my self but still do well in my classes. Eventually I just got the point where I began to wonder why. I had free time. I could handle it. I knew I had to plan for my future while actually learning and because of that I deiced the best way to learn was to actually do. It was time to make games.

So I began to look around. I found friends that I thought would work on games with me. One friend to do art work while another to do audio work. My thinking was that I could bring these people together in order to complete a whole game. The three of us spent hours discussing what we would want in a fun game. We began to take every element of society we liked and compile it into a single overall game. The art work and the design of the game were going to be ridiculous. I don’t know if the three of us could have actually ever finished the game, but it was a great process. Those meeting were the birthplace of Powersource Games. We wanted to create an actual game company for students at UMaine. We wanted to add too the current course of studies with more game design related courses. To accomplish this, we wanted to show the faculty and current residents of the campus with the interest of the students involved. We began to plan out the next semester. We would advertise and try to get as many people involved as possible. We would erect our own website and try to show our work to everyone we knew. Powersource Games now has a Facebook and Twitter. We have the first version of a website up and we are currently working on a new version.

This semester was the beginning of our experiment. We went into several classes and told its participants about our group. For the most part, it worked. We got up to twenty people in our meetings. This large group actually came together to create a series of great ideas. I hoped everyone involved had a good time and gained something from it. As time went on less people came to our weekly meetings but that’s exactly what we expected. We know that schedule and plans change. Once the phase of just creating ideas ended, people without a real attachment would leave. We had no real motivation to keep people around other than the concept of creating a great game for their future resumes and some real work experience. For some people that was enough, others not really. Maybe one day when we are actually making money, we could offer a much better incentive.

When we final choose a single game to work on, we began to figure out what we actually needed to complete that project. Because of the talent of the people left, we choose the programing language “lua” and the game development software “Love”. The language itself was similar to other simple typed languages liked “python”. I began to pound away at the code of the game as the members of the group helped in any way they could. This is the end of this story leading up to this point. Another post will come latter with further details of the actual game and where I want to bring it. I hope you enjoyed the story.

Path Finding Function May 3

At this moment, this is my current path finding function. It starts by taking the information from each enemy where it is. This function takes up a lot of time, so I try to only use it only when I need to. The function then searches through the entire map to find that certain enemies goal. In most cases, the enemies are searching for the “RV”. When that function finds the “Rv” it reports back its current position. Those to values are compared and then stored with the enemy. By the end of this function the enemy know how far to move in what directions. As the enemy begins to move, it changes these stored values. When it finds it goal, it finally stops moving.


function PathFinding(index)
y = en[index][1]
x = en[index][2]

for i = 1, math.floor(wx) do –y
for l = 1, wy do — x
if en[index][7] == 2 then
–this will let the enemy follow you
if map[i][l] == en[index][7] then
en[index][9][1] = l – x
en[index][9][2] = i – y
–build in attack barriers
int = math.random(1, 10)

if map1[i][l] == en[index][7] then
en[index][9][1] = l – x
en[index][9][2] = i – y




May 3 in game Screen Shot

This is an in game screen shot that shows several towers and traps in use upon the playing field. The user has placed yellow towers and purple towers to attack at long range. The user also filled the ground with trap holes to deal large amounts of damage as the enemies got closer. The health system is showing what each enemy has currently. The user has also created new barriers for other tower placements, these towers are identified by the health indicates on the tower. These towers can be destroyed when other smaller enemies attack it. This will evolve as art work and more details are added to the game.

Weapon Menu May 3

This is a more complex screen for the user to buy and equip weapons for fighting within the game. Each weapon has an amount uses and costs a certain amount of resources when bought. The menu also reflects which weapon is currently equipped. If a player still has uses left in a weapon, they can change what is equipped and then come back to the other weapon later. As the game progresses more weapons will be added based on the current players status. Also when the item creation system comes into, these spots will be replaced with player made weapons.


May 3 Tower Info Screen

This was a simple page I threw together to inform users of the different types of towers. As the game evolves this will be where the users purchase different types of towers based on the different types of resources the player has at the moment. This will change the current towers on the in game menu. I tried to add enough info so that users can fully understand how each tower is built and used.


Intro Screen Version 1

This was my first attempt at an intro screen for the game. The game has a list of controls for the game and it gives some directions on how to play the game. The current tile of the game is “Project Hurricane”. This screen will evolve as art work and other information are added to the game.


Updated Screen Shot May 3

Below is a update on a the in game screen shot. Six towers are on the side and two types of enemies are in the game. The regular red enemies look for the magenta “Rv” and attack it while the other enemies hunt down the player. Those enemies are recent additions that kill the player over time. If the players health is 0, the game is over. Also with in the menu is an amount of resources. The amount of current resources dictates when new towers can be built. There is some information next to the towers on the menu. Also down at the bottom of the menu is two numbers keeping track of the amount of towers created and the next to it is the current amount of killed enemies.